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The company held he opening ceremony of the "Talent Strengthens Enterprise" series of activities for the year 2024
newstime:2024.04.22Page View:131

On March 26th, the opening ceremony of the "Talent Strengthens Enterprise" series of activities for the year 2024 and the 20th Welding Skills Competition of the Company was held at POWERCHINA Creative Energy Valley. Yue Zengzhi, General Manager (in charge of overall work), attended and delivered a speech. Company executives, relevant department leaders, judges, and participants participated. In his speech, Mr. Yue pointed out that the "Talent Strengthens Enterprise" series of activities is crucial to enhancing the core competitiveness of the company and an important way to select and cultivate outstanding talents. Mr. Yue hopes that all employees will actively engage in striving for excellence and creating first-class performance in order to continuously improve their knowledge level and professional skills; they should be willing to endure hardships on their positions, be dedicated without seeking personal gain, and make achievements in ordinary positions.

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