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POWERCHINA-NE Achieved Good Results in the 2023 National Welding Skill Competition of Nuclear Energy Systems
newstime:2023.11.23Page View:103

On July 6th, after three days of intense competition, the 2023 National Welding Skills Competition of Nuclear Energy Systems came to a successful conclusion in Haiyang, Shandong. Wang Bin, an employee of the Company, won the second prize in individual general classification, and Song Tao and Feng Shihao won the winning prize, showing the Company’s strength in welding to the whole nuclear energy industry.

 It is learned that the National Welding Skills Competition of Nuclear Energy Systems as an important part of the National Professional Skills Competition in 2023, is specifically directed by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (National Nuclear Safety Administration) and undertaken by China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, China Nuclear Energy Construction Co., Ltd. (CNECC) and CNECC 24 Construction Co., Ltd. This competition was held at the steel structure branch of CNECC 24 Construction Company at Haiyang, Yantai, seeing the participation of 92 contestants from 25 units in the nuclear energy industry.

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