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The Company Wins Grand Prize of QC Group Contest on National Engineering Construction Quality Management
newstime:2020.09.04Page View:0

   2020 QC Group Contest on National Engineering Construction Quality Management successfully ended in Beijing, the contest was held by China Construction Enterprise Association, the Company won one Grand Prize, two First Prizes and one Second Prize on the contest.

   1000 plus quality management achievements from national construction enterprises were shown on the preliminary, and 800 achievements in 16 groups cycled into repecharge. The Company, the only one electric power construction enterprise in the final, showed three quality management achievements, the project “Development on New Type and High Efficient Thermostat Container for Electrode” advanced to the final as the first of its group and finally won the Grand Prize. Last Year, the Company won the First Prize on 2019 contest. 

   For years, the Company has been improving construction quality based on technology innovations and developing quality management group activities based on its employees. The Company honored as top enterprise on QC groups activities of national engineering construction, etc. In recent years, 34 QC groups of the Company were awarded as “National Top Quality Management Group”, the Company’s 39 QC achievements were awarded “First Prize of Outstanding Achievements of National Engineering Construction”, 38 achievements were awarded “First Prize of Outstanding Achievements of National Electrical Power Engineering Construction”, 66 achievements were awarded “Second Prize of Outstanding Achievements of National Electrical Power Engineering Construction” and 1 achievement was awarded “Third Prize of Outstanding Achievement of National Electrical Power Engineering  Construction”; 24 achievements were awarded the First Prize of “Outstanding Achievement of Shandong Construction Industry”.  


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