On July 1, accompanied byrelevant personnel, Yuan Baisong, VP of Stock Corporation arrived at LusakaAirport, and after attending a series of activities, Yuan paid a visit to theproject department to guide the work.
Yuan Baisong, VP, gave praise tothe project department on the achievements which have been gotten under poorgeological conditions, complex construction environment, the lack of supplies,cultural differences and owner’s financial difficulties and other disadvantages.He also gave the staff credit for spirituality, quality and safety, theprogress of the project, construction technology, site management and otheraspects. A high evaluation was given for the achievements because ofgreat-leap-forward development of speco2, meanwhile, he placed his hope on thedevelopment of the international business.
During the meeting, Yuan Baisong,VP, asked some questions about the business circumstance and market developmentsituation and called for opinions on recombination of Ji Lin Electric PowerConstruction. Aiming at next steps, Yuan put forward three requirements:Firstly, proceed with confidence, go all out and guarantee both quality and quantity to complete the tasks and strive to maximize the economic benefits, show the brandimage of Power China fully, contribute the strength for reformation anddevelopment of sepco2 and Group. Secondly, summarize and innovate, bring cultural concept into routine work,and strengthen exchange and cooperation with China-invested enterprise and brother units in Zambia, learn advanced technology and managerial experience actively.Thirdly, care for the life of the staff, handle interpersonal relationship between host country and China, train and lead the local person actively, show humanistic care fully, and improve team cohesion continuously.
Project department heads gave anenthusiastic welcome to Yuan Baisong, VP, and said the project department willconscientiously implement the spirit of Yuan’s speech, open up innovative thinking,and carry out the work steadily to ensure the units generate and hand over tothe owner smoothly with high quality and standard, and maintain economicbenefit and brand image of sepco2.