On May 20, SEPCO2 signed a cooperationagreement with Electrical Service Company of China Railway Tenth Group onCVG-FMO Power System Reconstruction Project in Venezuela in SEPCO2’s head-office.Mr. BaiXiangguang, General Manager and Mr.Li Jun, Vice Chief Engineer, from ElectricalService Company of China Railway Tenth Group and Mr.Zhang Shitao,the President, Deputy Secretary of Company CPC Committee and Mr.Zhao Qiming, VPof SEPCO2 attended the ceremony together. Related departments’ persons fromSEPCO2 participated in.
During the meeting, Mr.Zhang Shitao, the President, delivered a welcome and introducedthe overall situation of SEPCO2 briefly. Mr. Bai Xiangguang, the General Manager, introduced the current situation of Electrical Service Company of China RailwayTenth Group briefly. Zhao Qiming, VP, made a special introduction on SEPCO’2basic situation and development of overseas markets. Both sides exchangedand shared the information power system reconstruction project in Venezuela and thecooperation in the future.
Finally, Mr.Zhang Shitao, the president and Mr.Bai Xiangguang, General Manager signed thecooperation agreement on behalf of both sides respectively